The Good Trouble Questionnaire

Cecil County Special Educator Jordan Seguin

Jordan Seguin makes good trouble for the Cecil County Classroom Teachers Association. She is a special education teacher at Bay View Elementary School.

Jordan Seguin, a special educator at Bay View Elementary School, makes good trouble for the Cecil County Classroom Teachers Association. She took took the questionnaire for the June/July 2024 issue of ActionLine.

What do you love the most about public schools? I grew up in public schools. I love that public schools support every student and every family to the best of our abilities.

What issues agitate you most about public schools? The school budget. I love inclusion and that Cecil County Public Schools (CCPS) supports it, but we need the budget to do it right. Not everyone believes public schools need and deserve a robust budget to support our robust programs.

Malala Yousafzai

What is your vision for public education? Flexible, student-centered, cross-curricular, inclusive learning, and enough funding so it can all be possible.

Who is your activist hero? Why? Malala Yousafzai. Her dedication and bravery remind me that anyone of any age can make an incredible impact on the world.

When did you first realize you had power and that your voice truly matters? When I spoke at my first board of educa­tion meeting. I don’t think they get many teachers to participate in public comment.

When you work so hard for your cause, self-care is important. How do you take care of yourself? I knit and crochet. It gives me calm. You’ll see me knitting every­where, even at public meetings!

What is your favorite activist t-shirt? “The Future of Cecil County Is In Our Schools!” t-shirt—I’m wearing it above! Every member of our union wore one at our Fund CCPS rally on February 6. It makes me feel like a part of something bigger!

The Fund Cecil County Public Schools rally was held February 6, 2024.

What’s the most exciting march or protest you attended? Our Fund CCPS rallies. Many people of many different backgrounds came together to support public education—how often does that happen?

What song gives you strength to fight for education justice? “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man. I love the mes­sage of keeping up a fighting spirit even when it gets hard.

What keeps you doing this work when it’s hard? The frustration of an increasingly difficult job made me get engaged as an activist in the first place, but the vision of a better future for my students keeps me going back.

What’s your favorite way to make good trouble? Going to board of education and county council meetings. I believe there’s nothing better than talking face-to-face to solve a problem, and it’s a great way to network and meet like-minded people.

What current campaign or issue is at the top of your radar? Next year’s school budget. Many programs and positions will likely be cut as a result of the lower-than-requested funding, and I’m very concerned about the effect cuts will have on our most vulnerable students.

What one thing do you wish elected leaders and the public understood about your job? While teaching is a hard job, it is always worthwhile, and it is a team effort. Public schools really need the sup­port of their local govern­ment and their community.

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