A New Action Guide for Members
MSEA’s new Racial-Social Justice Strategy, Organizing, and Action Resources is an online guide for understanding and addressing institutional and structural racism and systemic discrimination. It answers a need for quality resources and tools that support personal or organizational growth, education, and action related to racial and social justice.
“Our members are eager to answer the call for more inclusive and just schools and communities. We are committed to responding to the needs of our students and families, and we recognize the capacity and need for self-reflection,” said Cheryl Bost, MSEA president.
“We are all constantly evolving. These resources begin with awareness building, and encompass personal and organizational capacity-building and action with a full complement of articles and tools to support each. I hope my fellow educators and their associations will take advantage of this as well as the professional development offer in the areas of social-racial justice, anti-racist education, and honesty in education.”