Pathways to Educator Licensure

Confused about the new changes and pathways to licensure? Newly created MSEA explainers break down the 2024 legislation and regulations that expand pathways to certification and changes in licensure.

The briefs, provided by MSEA’s Center for Policy and Practice (CEPP), show the changes in COMAR’s formal education licensure language, what’s changed, what’s required in different licensure areas, and more. All of the newly established pathways and licensure requirements were effective April 1, 2024.

Find MSEA’s new package of educator licensure explainers here.

NEW! Licensure Explainers

Types of Educator Licenses uses a color wheel to show the eight licenses now available to educators and their descriptions:

Maryland Educator Licensure Certificate-to-License Conversion explains in chart form the changes in the eight licensure areas, including duration of licensure, renewability, education requirements, and more.

Flexible Pathways to Educator Licensure lists the flexible pathways to initial licensure now available to graduates of Maryland programs and teacher candidates and those prepared in another state or country.

Because Maryland historically imports more than 50% of its teacher workforce, these new pathways will open the door for many educators who may be working out of state already or who can more efficiently join the profession here in Maryland.

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