MSEA’s Ad Campaign

Our 3-week campaign is all about doing what’s right for our students

As a new school year begins and the General Assembly prepares to revise the state’s public school funding formula for the first time in 20 years, MSEA’s three-week ad campaign, which runs September 23 — October 13, and new public polling illustrate what educators already know — there are undeniable positive effects associated with increasing school funding.

The ads showcase Maryland educators and students in the classroom and focus on the key policies that the new funding formula would support — including expanding career technical education, increasing educator pay, and more equitably and adequately funding schools in every neighborhood.

“We’re working hard through our community forums and ad campaign to educate the public about exactly what the Blueprint means for public education in Maryland,” Bost said. “And we’re finding that the more MSEA members highlight how increased funding can help students achieve their dreams, the more the public listens and most importantly, takes action.”

71% of Marylanders Want to Increase School Funding
The latest from MSEA polls of members and the