January 9 Local Presidents’ Convening

This convening is a follow-up to our last local president’s (LPs) virtual meeting and will give LPs the opportunity to dig deeper on pertinent and timely issues, seek support, and share best practices. Last year we held a meeting the day after the MSEA Legislative Reception and most LPs that attended last year shared that this was good timing to come to the reception and stay the next day to discuss important topics. Please look over the guidelines for overnight accommodations. It is critically important that if you are planning to attend you complete the registration ASAP and no later than Monday, December 23. We have limited space.

The MSEA Legislative Reception begins at 4:00 p.m. on January 8, 2025 at MSEA HQ on the first floor. For those LPs attending the reception and register to attend the convening being held in the training room at HQ on January 9, 2025, you may register for accommodations (double occupancy or pay the other half of room cost) through MSEA and paid for by MSEA. Lodging space in Annapolis will be limited, so accommodations will be made based on a first come, first served basis, and we’ll be taking into account those who travel the furthest as well. If we have enough rooms, we will accommodate all who plan to attend. Remember you must attend both the reception and the convening to be considered for accommodations. You do not have to attend the reception to attend the convening on January 9, 2025, but you must register for January 9.