Come inspire and empower at the 2025 MSEA Retired Educators Conference. This year’s conference will include breakout sessions on your health and wellness, cyber security, and how to stay totally active. We will also have a legislative update, a report from a pension trustee, estate/financial security planning and more!
DATE: Tuesday, April 29, 2025
TIME: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM (Continental breakfast and lunch provided.)
PLACE: Crowne Plaza Annapolis (173 Jennifer Road Annapolis, MD, 21401)
CLICK for driving directions
(8am- 8:45am) Registration & Breakfast/coffee
(8:45am-10am) Welcome/Remarks
(10am-11am) Training Session 1
(11am-12pm) Training Session 2
(12pm-12:45pm) Lunch
(12:45pm-1pm) Kinnaman Scholarship
(1pm-1:30pm) Pension Update
(1:30pm-2pm) Legislative Update
(2pm-2:30pm) Estate Planning/Financial Security Q &A
(2:30pm-3:30pm) Closing
*****COST: $10 (NON-REFUNDABLE)******
DEADLINE: Course selection will close Monday, April 15, 2025 or when seats are filled.
***NOTE: This conference is for MSEA members only. If you are not yet a member and would like to attend, please contact the local association in the county where you work for information on how to become a member. OR Click here for information to join and email a copy of your application to the contact below.***
QUESTIONS: Email Alexis Blanco [email protected] with the subject line “RETIRED CONFERENCE”.
Sometimes older adults, both those who live alone and those with a partner or spouse, find they need someone to help with the tasks of daily life in order to continue living safely and comfortably at home. And often the caregiver, if there is one, needs a break themselves. The caregiving needs might be temporary, such as after a surgery or illness, or ongoing, as with chronic or long-term illnesses such as dementia. This presentation provides information on resources on how to find this assistance.
Presentation will include information on how to spot and avoid scams and ID theft. We will discuss several specific scams including phishing scams, grandparent scams, and AI scams.
How can retired members continue to support active members (educators in classroom)? This session will focus on ways retirees can stay involved in your locals! Sharing ideas, discussions and networking with fellow retirees will be included in STAR!! The RAC can strengthen when retired members play a strong role at the local level!
(1) Must complete payment online at time of registration to secure your seat. (2) Have your PayPal login or debit/credit card information ready. (3) After you press submit, WAIT FOR PAYPAL PAGE TO LOAD or else it does not go through.