The 2022 NEA ESP National Conference—Education Support Professionals: Uniting for a Better Future for Our Students, Our Educators, and Our Communities—brings together thousands of support professionals from many varied job categories to grow and strengthen the professional excellence of members through educator-led and student-centered learning experiences. With multiple interactive workshops to choose from over the course of three days, participants fine-tune skills to advocate for students and educators, champion racial and social justice, build community relationships, strengthen and grow membership, and sustain stronger local associations. The goal is to help members excel in their careers and positively impact student success.
The National ESP of the Year Award is presented at the event honoring members, like MSEA’s ESP of the Year Brad Fisher, who reflect the important contributions of education support professionals. The NEA ESP of the Year serves as an ambassador for ESPs across the country, promoting the value of ESP members at local, state, and national events. While the award showcases one outstanding ESP each year, it also recognizes and honors the contributions that all ESPs make towards ensuring great public schools for every student.