MSEA Convention
Attend the Event

2025 ESP Conference

At ESP Bill of Rights—Building a Movement, Not Just a Moment you will discuss current topics with colleagues and learn from MSEA members. Topics will include the ESP Bill of Rights campaign, ESP employment rights, career advancement, and racial, social, and economic justice.


Get the overview of our agenda for the conference.


8:00 a.m. Registration
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Welcome and Keynote
9:55a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Session I
11:20 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Session II
12:15 p.m. – 1:10 p.m. Lunch
1:20 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. Session III
2:15 p.m. – 3:10 p.m. Session IV
3:10 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Call to Action

A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Questions: Contact Sean McKillop at [email protected] or Chelsea Akibo-Betts at [email protected].

Keynote Speaker

Meet our keynote speaker.

Pete Dominick

Podcaster, Stand-up Comic, Speaker, News Commentator, and Host

Pete Dominick


Pete Dominick is a podcaster, stand-up comic, speaker, news commentator, host, journo activist, moderator, professional speaking consultant, husband, and proud father of two daughters.

He began his career as a stand-up comic making a name for himself and earning respect in the major leagues of stand-up – the NYC comedy scene – where he became a regular at all the best clubs.

Pete was selected for the very coveted gig as the warmup comic, first for Jon Stewart and The Daily Show, and then The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, where he worked for most of its run. CNN hired him in as their man on the street which led to him becoming a regular panel commentator, eventually taking the host role of his own CNN show “What the Week.”

For almost 12 years, Pete was the host of a daily three-hour live radio show on SIRIUSXM, “Stand Up with Pete Dominick”. The show welcomed 3-4 expert guests on a broad range of issues and ideas and cultivated a following of similarly curious and passionate people who wanted to learn, laugh, and grow together.

This format eventually led Pete to start his own, independent daily podcast where he hosts two brilliant guests per day, along-side a comprehensive 20-30 minute news segment. He books, hosts, edits, and produces the entire podcast from his home in New York state. The podcast rivals any daily news podcast from major media companies. Pete loves creating his own content while speaking on a wide range of issues, performing stand up, and doing his best to continue learn how to make the world a better place.

You can listen to Pete’s podcast here.


Saturday, February 22

8:45 am

Welcome and Keynote

Classroom 1


9:55 am

Session I

Breakout Room: Classroom 1

How to Advance in Your Career

Breakout Room: A303

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Member Communications

Breakout Room: A307

How to Activate the Members in Your Worksite Through Building Mapping

Breakout Room: A304

ESP Power and rESPect

11:20 am

Session II

Breakout Room: Classroom 1

Building the Movement through ESP Leadership and Organizing Mentoring Program

Breakout Room: A303

Public Speaking: How to Get More People to See Things the Way You Do and Help Spread Your Message

Breakout Room: A304

We've Got Us! Leveraging the ESP Bill of Rights to Advance Racial, Social, and Economic Justice

Breakout Room: A307

ESP Employment Rights

1:20 pm

Session III

Breakout Room: Classroom 1

How to Turn the Bill of Rights into Local Wins

Breakout Room: A303

Labor Relations and Resolving Issues

Breakout Room: A304

Trauma and De-Escalation

Breakout Room: A307

MSEA ESP Bargaining Goals: The Path to a Winning Contract

2:15 pm

Session IV

Breakout Room: Classroom 1

Unleashing the Power of Educational Support Professionals: Summer Organizing Explained

Breakout Room: A303

Coping With Difficult Personalities – Survival Strategies

Breakout Room: A304

Organizing and Advocacy: A Look at the History of NEA and MSEA

Breakout Room: A307

MSEA ESP Bargaining Goals: The Path to a Winning Contract

3:10 pm


3:30 pm

Program Close

Classroom 1

Call to Action


Welcome to the 2025 ESP Conference!


MSEA ESP Committee Co-Chair

Cindy Porter

MSEA ESP Committee Co-Chair

Stacy Tayman

How to Advance in Your Career

This workshop will offer tips on writing great resumes and cover letters, how to reflect unique skills that will make future employers want to hire or promote you, and practical advice to help you feel more confident during your interview.


MSEA UniServ Director

John Carnahan

John Carnahan began his journey in public education when he joined the Frederick County Public Schools team as a Custodian Support Specialist. As a proud member of FASSE from day one he had the opportunity to serve on the Sick Bank Committee. He was promoted to the position of Manager of Custodial Services shortly after and worked there for nearly 10 years. John joined MSEA almost three years ago as the UniServ Director for both Worcester and Somerset counties where he has the wonderful opportunity to work with both Unit 1 and Unit 3 colleagues. John received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland College Park and his MBA from Hood College. He resides in Snow Hill Maryland on the beautiful Eastern Shore and has two wonderful children who are way smarter than he is.

Executive Assistant/MSEA Center for Legal Affairs

Jana Rossetto-Kennedy

Jana Rossetto-Kennedy is the executive assistant for the Legal Department. She has been on staff with MSEA for 11 years in June. Jana’s favorite part of her job is interacting with members. When Jana is not at work, she enjoys traveling and rooting for the Chicago Cubs.

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Member Communications

Unsure how to best use your local’s social media? Wish that your newsletters packed more punch? Need to make sure your local communications are making an impact? Then come to this training to learn how to strengthen your local communications. We’ll cover topics like improving member-focused communications, effectively using social media, utilizing a Race Class Narrative, and more.


MSEA Assistant Executive Director/Center for Public Affairs

Adam Mendelson

Adam Mendelson is the assistant executive director of public affairs at MSEA. He has been at MSEA since 2010, working with the communications and public affairs teams on a wide variety of statewide and local member- and public-facing campaigns. He frequently trains on messaging, internal and external public campaigns, and other topics related to organizing and political communications. You may have seen him at the MSEA Convention running around with a walkie-talkie in hand. In his spare time, Adam loves rewatching the 2004 World Series and cheering on the Red Sox as they sweep the St. Louis Cardinals.

How to Activate the Members in Your Worksite Through Building Mapping

Does it feel like the members and potential members in your worksite are disconnected? It’s time for some Building Mapping. Mapping is the process of assessing your co-workers’ interest in organizing and strengthening their connections to our union. This session will give you the tools to activate your worksite. Solidarity is power, and building mapping is a concrete tool you’ll both learn and begin to do in this workshop to maximize your solidarity!


MSEA ESP UniServ Director

Joia Clevinger

Joia Clevinger is currently a UniServ Director for the Frederick County Teachers Association but has previously served MSEA as both a statewide political organizer and UD in Montgomery County. She’s also gained organizing and advocacy experience both in her previous UD role with the Virginia Education Association and as an active union member with the California Teachers Association. As a high school agriculture teacher in Bakersfield, CA, Joia served as governance at multiple levels in the union, notably supporting members on her local negotiations team and as the part-time release Grievance Chair.

FCTA Board of Director

Karl Kidd

Karl Kidd has been an educator for 19 years in Frederick County. During his career, he has taught at both the elementary and secondary levels and currently teaches Environmental Science at Frederick High School. He has served FCTA as a building representative for 10 years and a member of the Board of Directors for 6 years; as well as a member of various committees and workgroups. He is a proud union member and supporter of bettering working conditions for all educators and our students in Maryland.

ESP Power and rESPect

This snapshot is an overview of CEPP’s larger ESP Power and rESPect workshop wherein participants will learn to recognize your importance in every aspect of public education and how to use your voice to influence your professional input. In this workshop you will develop stronger communication skills, learn the importance of being assertive and how to organize around issues confronting ESP and the students we work with. Participants will come away with a powerful understanding of the work they do and how it contributes to the entire learning community.


MSEA Organizational Development Specialist

Evan West

Evan West is an organizational development specialist in MSEA’s center for Education Policy and Practice. Prior to that, he was the UniServ Director for Allegany and Garrett County. Evan also taught secondary English for 15 years prior to UniServ work. In his spare time Evan loves to root for the Washington Nationals.

Building the Movement through ESP Leadership and Organizing Mentoring Program

Learn from Massachusetts ESP leaders how they developed a statewide ESP Leadership Mentoring Program focusing on organizing, leadership development, capacity building, and mobilizing ESPs in a manner that is rooted in the power of the rank-and-file. “For ESPs by ESPs”


Massachusetts Teachers Association ESP Committee Chair

Joni Cederholm

Joni Cederholm serves as the Chair of the MA Teachers Association ESP Committee. She serves on other  MTA Committees and is a Mentor/Secretary of the ESP Leadership Mentoring Program. She served as chair for the ESP Standard Task Force for the development of the MTA ESP Bill of Rights. Joni was honored as the 2019 MTA ESP of the Year. She has completed the MTA Next Generation Program, MTA Leadership Program and NEA Mentorship Program.

Core Team Leader Massachusetts Teachers Association ESP Leadership Mentoring Program

Amy Morin

Amy Morin is a special education paraeducator working in the Developmental Learning Program for the Lexington Public School district. She serves on many MTA committees and at the national level she is a facilitator with the NEA peer to peer mentoring program. She is a graduate of the ESP Leadership Institute, and serves as the core team leader for the ESP Leadership Mentoring Program. 

2024 Massachusetts Teachers Association ESP of the Year

Karen Torres

Karen  Torres is a veteran paraeducator (Instructional Assistant) and a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) for Andover Public Schools in Massachusetts. She is an active unionist and the current Chair of the Instructional Assistant unit. Karen has been the chair/co-chair on two bargaining teams and has been a member of the Contract Action Team (CAT). She is the 2024 Massachusetts Teachers Association ESP of the year.

Massachusetts Teachers Association ESP Organizer

Sonia Fortin

As a former ESP member, Sonia Fortin helped create our Nation’s first ESP Bill of Rights and brought a team of ESPs together to create the MTA ESP Leadership Mentoring Program (ESP LMP).  Today, Sonia works for the Massachusetts Teachers Association as an ESP Organizer. Sonia brings ESPs together to spend weekend long training sessions strengthening their leadership and union skills.

Public Speaking: How to Get More People to See Things the Way You Do and Help Spread Your Message

The best people to communicate the issues facing support staff are support staff members! Too often ESPs are overlooked, but that changes when we use our collective voice to tell our stories. This session will review the best techniques to use when speaking publicly about issues such as the ESP Bill of Rights to school boards, county executives, parents, and other possible community allies.


MSEA Public Affairs Specialist

Patti Mullins

Patti Mullins has been the press secretary and policy research specialist in the MSEA Center for Public Affairs Communications Department since 2020. She has a distinct perspective on communication challenges as a former newspaper reporter, public relations specialist, and a public service communicator. Previously, she was the communications coordinator for the City of Frederick in Maryland. Prior to that, she had 30 years of journalism experience, writing and editing for daily and weekly newspapers, and as editorial director of a public relations agency. Her reporting on the Affordable Care Act, and a human-interest stories won awards from the Maryland, Delaware, and DC, Press Association (MDDC).

We've Got Us! Leveraging the ESP Bill of Rights to Advance Racial, Social, and Economic Justice

Economic Justice is a cornerstone of the global fight for racial and social justice. This session will explore how MSEA’s ESP Bill of Rights Campaign connects to the broader struggle for racial, social, and economic justice (RSEJ). Participants will gain insights into the campaign’s goals and strategies and learn how ALL members – not just ESPs – can use it as a powerful tool to organize and mobilize for meaningful change.


MSEA Organizational Specialist

Tina Dove

he is responsible for advancing MSEA’s state and local level priorities and strategic goals related to racial, social, and economic justice. She previously served on MSEA’s Government Relations team where she was responsible for a portfolio covering a wide range of education practice and policy-related issues, including the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future; teacher and educator preparation and development; mental and behavioral health and trauma informed best practices; and racial and social justice and restorative practices. Tina began her career on Capitol Hill working for U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. She taught high school Social Studies in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and California. She holds a BA in Political Science and Sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the George Washington University.

MSEA ESP Summer Organizer

Julia Nixon

For 26 years, Julia Nixon has served as a Special Education Assistant on the Behavioral, Emotional, Support Team (BEST)at East Westminster Middle School (Carroll County). She previously worked as a sales representative and as an assistant to district sales managers for the global beauty company Avon. She served as an At-Large Board of Directors member and as a building representative for the Carroll Association of School Employees (CASE) for 5 years. In the Fall of 2023, Julia, along with other Education Support Professionals (ESPs) from across Maryland, was selected as an MSEA Year-Round Organizer (YRO), doing direct advocacy and member engagement in support of MSEA’s ESP Bill of Rights Campaign. She stepped up to lead because she wanted to educate other ESPs about their rights and how they could organize and mobilize to secure the living wages, safe working conditions, and fair contracts they deserve. 

ESP Employment Rights

Join the MSEA legal department for an informational session about your employment rights. Topics include your first amendment rights, resolving student issues, and grievance procedures. Bring your questions!


MSEA Center for Legal Affairs

Jamie Sapia

Prior to joining, MSEA Ms. Jamie Sapia taught middle school language arts in Baltimore City while attending the University of Baltimore School of Law as an evening student. She served as a law clerk in the Circuit Court for Howard County and is honored to represent public school employees as Assistant Counsel for MSEA.

How to Turn the Bill of Rights into Local Wins

The ESP Bill of Rights movement isn’t only for state affiliate initiatives, but also a toll to support your local contract campaigns so you can win better salaries and working conditions for ESP in your district. This session will feature a case study outlining how the Howard County Education Association utilized the Bill of Rights to organize their members to win higher salaries and better working conditions for the ESP members in their school system.


MSEA UniServ Director

Kira Schuman

Kira Schuman has been a UniServ Director with MSEA for the last 4 years. She supports both certificated and ESP staff in Howard County, and is also the UD assigned to provide staffing support to the local’s Organizing Committee. Prior to coming to MSEA, Kira worked as an organizer in higher education for over a decade and helped establish new bargaining units for faculty at several universities across the country.

MSEA ESP Year-Round Organizer

Holly Crawford

Holly Crawford has been an educator in Howard County, Maryland for twenty-six years in K through 5. Over the years she has served as school based PTA officer, HCEA building rep, and year-round organizer for MSEA as well as enjoying working with hundreds of special students. An avid union supporter, she continues to promote the ESP Bill of Rights in Maryland.

ESP-MSEA Board of Director At-Large

Sonia D’Urbano

Sonia D’Urbano has worked as an Education Support Professional in Howard County for over 8 years. During her years with HCEA-Howard, she has served as Building Representative, a Year Round Organizer focusing on the ESP Bill of Rights(Endorsements) and growing membership. Currently she co-chairs the HCEA ESP Committee and the HCEA Organizing Committee. She currently sits on both  HCEA and the MSEA Board of Directors and serves as the MSEA BoD’s Liaison to the MSEA ESP Organizing Committee. As part of the HCEA negotiations team last year, when their entire contract was up for negotiations and her work with the Organizing Committee, her work led to an MOU ensuring that each paraeducator in the County received a device and that the devices would not be repurposed for other uses. Sonia is a leader in the fight for an ESP living wage and the ESP Bill of Rights. 

Labor Relations and Resolving Issues

Almost every union has a process to regularly meet with HR to discuss employee concerns and questions. Sometimes these meetings work well, and sometimes they don’t. In this session we will review how to best utilize this process to address the issues and concerns of our members.


MSEA Organizer, Political and Legislative Affairs

Dan Chambers

Dan Chambers is a field organizer with the Maryland State Education Association, serving our members in Baltimore, Howard, Carroll, Frederick, Washington, Allegany & Garrett Counties. He focuses on campaigns & election work, leadership identification, as well as local budget & crisis organizing. Ask him about his favorite records if you have 3 hours to kill. 

Trauma and De-Escalation

This workshop provides practical, next day skills for identifying, assessing, and de-escalating problematic student behavior while giving a basis for understanding that behavior through the lens of trauma and social-emotional learning.


MSEA Organizational Development Specialist

Evan West

Evan West is an organizational development specialist in MSEA’s center for Education Policy and Practice. Prior to that, he was the UniServ Director for Allegany and Garrett County. Evan also taught secondary English for 15 years prior to UniServ work. In his spare time, Evan loves to root for the Washington Nationals.

MSEA ESP Bargaining Goals: The Path to a Winning Contract

Using the MSEA ESP bargaining goals, how can ESPs get language and salary increases that reflect the Bill of Rights. Using your actual contract, learn how to write proposals for the bargaining table that will result in contract wins. This is a double session.


Harford County Education Association Vice-President

Cindy Poper

Cindy Poper is the ESP Vice President of the Harford County Education Association and a member of the MSEA ESP Organizing Committee. For the past 5 years she has been the In-School Suspension Tech at Bel Air Middle School and was a paraeducator for 12 years before that in HCPS. Cindy regularly presents at HCPS Professional Development days, has been a trainer at the Summer Leadership Conference, and recently had the honor of being one of the presenters from Maryland presenting the ESP Bill of Rights at the 2024 NEA ESP Conference. She is currently a member of HCEA’s ESP Bargaining team and one of the authors of the MSEA ESP Bargaining Goals.

MSEA UniServ Director

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth Jones is a UniServ Director in Harford County, a merged local, and serves as Chief Negotiator for the certificated unit. Before becoming a UniServ Director in 2019, she taught high school English and World Mythology for 19 years and was an active MSEA member. She takes pride in helping MSEA members find their power, develop their voice, and fight for their rights. 

MSEA UniServ Director

Allison Heintz

Allison Heintz is a UniServ Director serving Harford County Education Association.  Until her hire in 2024, Allison spent 17 years as an elementary school educator, her last ten years in Maryland (Harford, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore City).  She served on the Board of Directors for TAAAC and was trained with the first group of GO Team organizers.  More importantly, she is a cat mom to two free-loaders and a foster mom to dozens of other kitties.  

Unleashing the Power of Educational Support Professionals: Summer Organizing Explained

In this session we will explore effective strategies for engaging one-on-one conversations at the door, focusing on the ESP Bill of Rights, and learn best practices for impactful dialogues, including the Affirm Answer Redirect approach as well as how to assess the conversations.


MSEA ESP Summer Organizing Coach

Rachel Hautmann

Rachel Hautmann is a dedicated behavior technician with Calvert County Public Schools, where she plays a vital role in supporting students’ emotional and behavioral needs. Rachel serves as the Treasurer for the Calvert Association of Educational Support Staff, where she actively contributes to advocating for her peers and enhancing the educational environment. This coming summer marks her third year participating in the ESP Bill of Rights Summer Organizing Campaign. 

MSEA ESP Year-Round Organizer

Stacey Albrecht

Stacey Albrecht joined Harford County Public Schools about 5 years ago, joining the Union that same year.  She heard about the ESP Bill of Rights at a listening session and has been an advocate for fellow ESPs ever since.  She is a Building Rep, a MSEA delegate, and Summer Organizer.  Stacey is the mom to 5 kiddos as well as an avid knitter and gardener. 

Coping With Difficult Personalities – Survival Strategies

There are several recognized categories of “difficult personalities”. This training offers practical and realistic techniques to help cope and communicate with a variety of such individuals more successfully. A sense of humor is a pre-requisite for this workshop.


ESPBC Board of Directors

Veronica Henderson

Veronica Henderson holds a master’s degree, is an adjunct professor, and is a recognized local, state, and national trainer. She is Maryland’s first National ESP of the Year for 2007 and has successfully managed several Association campaigns at all levels. She has presented for Baltimore County Public Schools, the Education Support Professionals of Baltimore County; Maryland State Education Association, and the National Education Association via MLTP/WLTP/Cadre Trainer-of-Trainers.  s an adjunct professor, she has taught grad school.

Organizing and Advocacy: A Look at the History of NEA and MSEA

Our movement for great public schools and the rights of educators began in 1857 in Philadelphia. Since then, we have grown to over 3 million members. In this session you’ll learn more about NEA’s legacy as a labor union and civil rights organization. History is not only a review of the past, but also an explanation of the present.


MSEA UniServ Director

Carlos Mellott

Carlos Mellott is currently the UniServ Director assigned to the Frederick Association of School Support Employees. Previously, he served for ten years as the UniServ Director assigned to the Washington County Teachers Association. Carlos has been an activist and involved in the Labor Movement in various capacities since 2001. Carlos has three children, two of whom are currently attending Washington County Public Schools.

MSEA ESP Year-Round Organizer

Lacoe Alltop

Lacoe Alltop is a retired IT Analyst, was a volunteer firefighter and paramedic for Frederick County and Carrol County and a graduate of Frederick Community College. Lacoe has been with Frederick County Schools for 9 years as a Bus Driver. He is a proud member of FASSE and is currently serving on the Membership Committee, the Government Relations Committee working to help improve the pay and working conditions for all its members. Lacoe also serves as a Year-Round Organizer for ESP staff in Frederick, working to get Maryland State Education Associations Bill of Rights recognized by both the state and local government officals.

MSEA ESP Bargaining Goals: The Path to a Winning Contract

Using the MSEA ESP bargaining goals, how can ESPs get language and salary increases that reflect the Bill of Rights. Using your actual contract, learn how to write proposals for the bargaining table that will result in contract wins. This is a double session.


Harford County Education Association Vice-President

Cindy Poper

Cindy Poper is the ESP Vice President of the Harford County Education Association and a member of the MSEA ESP Organizing Committee. For the past 5 years she has been the In-School Suspension Tech at Bel Air Middle School and was a paraeducator for 12 years before that in HCPS. Cindy regularly presents at HCPS Professional Development days, has been a trainer at the Summer Leadership Conference, and recently had the honor of being one of the presenters from Maryland presenting the ESP Bill of Rights at the 2024 NEA ESP Conference. She is currently a member of HCEA’s ESP Bargaining team and one of the authors of the MSEA ESP Bargaining Goals.

MSEA UniServ Director

Elizabeth Jones

Elizabeth Jones is a UniServ Director in Harford County, a merged local, and serves as Chief Negotiator for the certificated unit. Before becoming a UniServ Director in 2019, she taught high school English and World Mythology for 19 years and was an active MSEA member. She takes pride in helping MSEA members find their power, develop their voice, and fight for their rights. 

MSEA UniServ Director

Allison Heintz

Allison Heintz is a UniServ Director serving Harford County Education Association.  Until her hire in 2024, Allison spent 17 years as an elementary school educator, her last ten years in Maryland (Harford, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore City).  She served on the Board of Directors for TAAAC and was trained with the first group of GO Team organizers.  More importantly, she is a cat mom to two free-loaders and a foster mom to dozens of other kitties.  

Call to Action


MSEA President

Paul Lemle

Paul Lemle was enjoying a fun (but not lucrative) career as a professional musician when he was diagnosed with lymphoma at age 28. After this experience, he returned to Louisiana State University for a graduate degree in education with incarcerated youth. He moved to Maryland in 2003 when his wife began working for the federal government; they have an adoptive family of three boys. Paul first education job was as the teacher’s assistant (Para) in a classroom for students with behavioral disabilities. He is a teacher of American Government and Law in Howard County Public Schools, and served his colleagues as Howard County Education Association president from 2011-17. He lived in the UK from 2017-2021 while his wife was stationed overseas, and has been teaching at Reservoir HS since 2021.


Conference Venue

The Maritime Conference Center
692 Maritime Blvd, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090


This conference and other ESP events like it are proudly brought to you by your ESP Committee:

Cindy Porter Co-chair; Carroll Association of School Employees

Stacy Tayman Co-chair; Calvert Association of Educational Support Staff

Martin Diggs, ACE-AFSME Local 2250

Sonia D’Urbano Howard County Education Association

Thomas Gunn Cecil Education Support Personnel Association

Will Johnson Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County

Pandora Jones Education Support Professionals of Baltimore County

Cathy Lahr Washington County Educational Support Personnel

Craig Mitchell Wicomico County Education Association

Sharon Gross Howard, Wicomico County Education Association

Cindy Poper Harford County Education Association

Samuel Walters Howard County Education Association

Rachel Hautmann Calvert Association of Educational Support Staff

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